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Tiergarten Wolbeck

(Sources of information: Wikipedia, flyer Tiergarten Wolbeck [PDF]) (Sources in German)

The Tiergarten Wolbeck (zoological garden) is a large nature reserve in the southeast of Münster, where it borders on the district of Wolbeck. Despite its nature reserve status, it is open to the public and therefore a popular recreational area for everyone. It is also used as a forestry forest.

You can explore the area on foot during a walk, a hiking tour or by bike. The paths of the Tiergarten are laid out in a grid pattern and are typical forest paths except for the central road. In three places the paths cross the river Angel, which flows through the area. On parts of the river you can skate in winter.

The Tiergarten has a diverse flora and fauna. For one thing, the trees there are largely natural, and quite a few trees are 200 years old or more. The oldest tree, a thunder oak, is said to be as old as 300 years. Individual forest areas have been designated as "natural forest units" for research purposes, where forest stands can develop undisturbed without human intervention. In addition to the tree population, the garden is also considered a forest area rich with deadwood, which makes it interesting as a habitat for lichens, mosses and insects. Rare animal species also live there, including bats, birds and amphibians.

The Tiergarten was established as a forestry probably in the 12th century in a wooded march, making it one of the oldest in the Münsterland region. The present form and name, however, it received only in the 18th century. The area was previously used as a hunting ground by the prince-bishops of Münster. In 1803 the Tiergarten came into the possession of Prussia. The new owners shot the last deer and then used the forest for timber industry.

Around 1890, the Tiergarten was used more for recreation by the citizens of Münster. Accordingly, small taverns opened there, but all of them had to close again in time. After the Second World War, the area was designated as the Münster State Forest. In 2005, the Tiergarten was declared a nature reserve, and at the same time the European Union also designated it an EU protected area.

More information about the Tiergarten Wolbeck can be found in this flyer about the Tiergarten and in the corresponding entry on the website of the GeodatenKultur of the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (flyer and website only available in German).

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