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Source: Presseamt Münster / MünsterView (link image source) (only available in German)

City Administration of Münster

(Sources of information: Wikipedia article Münster [organs of the city administration], website City of Münster [duties of the mayor])

(Sources in German)

The city government and administration of Münster is divided into the following areas: mayor, city council and district representation.


The mayor is the representative of the city and the head of its administration. They are also the chairperson of the city council. They also have voting rights there, although They are not a direct council member. They invite to the council meetings and set the agenda. The mayor can appeal against council resolutions, but the final decision lies with the city council.

Other tasks of the mayor are:

  • the conclusion of day-to-day business within the administration

  • preparing the resolutions of the political bodies of the city

  • checking the legality of decisions already taken and executing them

  • in urgent cases, make emergency decisions together with a council member


In addition to these tasks and functions, the mayor heads the city's administrative board. It consists of six people who head departments within the city administration, each of which combines several areas of work.


The mayor is elected directly by the people in a municipal election every five years.

City Council

The city council is the people's representation of Münster and thus responsible for deciding on matters in the city. It also elects deputy mayors from among its members to preside over council meetings and represent the city. It is also elected every five years by the citizens in the municipal election.


District Representation

The district representation decides on matters within the city districts. These include, for example, the maintenance and equipment of schools, sports fields, parks and green spaces. It is also elected in municipal elections every five years. The representation is headed by the district head, who is elected by the members of the district representation.

Further information:

(websites only available in German)

  • Website of the City of Münster – Mayor

  • Website of the City of Münster – The City Council

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