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Creator: Günter Seggebäing / Source: Wikimedia Commons / License: CC BY-SA 3.0
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Rieselfelder Münster

(Sources of information: Wikipedia, website Rieselfelder Münster [area, history]) (Sources in German)

The Rieselfelder Münster are located in the north of the city area and are an important resting and molting place for migratory birds. For people they are a popular destination to relax and watch the birds. You can explore the fields on foot or by bike, as well as participate in events organized by the biological stations, whose employees take care of nature.

Originally, the Rieselfelder were drainage fields for the city's sewage. This enabled Münster to keep its water balance clean and the wastewater was a cheap fertilizer for the local farms. This meant that grain and vegetables could be grown on the previously nutrient-poor soils and milk cattle could be raised.

With the growing population of the town, the amount of sewage increased over time and the area of drainage became larger. However, the fields and pastures disappeared over time in favor of shallow water ponds and muddy areas. These provided an attractive habitat for many rare and endangered bird species: the formerly fertilized areas offered numerous insects as food, and birds found opportunities to nest at the edges of the sewage ponds. Most importantly, the smell of the wastewater kept the area people-free and thus quiet.

With the construction of a large sewage plant in 1975, the Rieselfelder lost their original function. They dried up and were to be partially converted into an industrial area. A citizens' initiative opposed this and was able to preserve the Rieselfelder for bird protection. In the following decades, the fields were then designated as a nature reserve and nature conservation area. Around the turn of the millennium, the drained parts were converted back into wetlands.

Everything you need to know about the Rieselfelder, as well as information on guided tours and events, can be found on the Rieselfelder website (website only available in German).

Creator: Vollersander / Source: Wikimedia Commons / License: CC BY-SA 4.0
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