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(Sources of information: Wikipedia, the city of Münster and the online magazine by the merchants from the Prinzipalmarkt) (Sources in German)

The Prinzipalmarkt is the street in Münster's city center that runs from the Stadthaus Tower past the Historic City Hall and the Domplatz / cathedral square to the Lamberti Church. It is the "good parlor" of the city, the traditional economic and political center.

Here you can buy all kinds of goods in the traditional stores that the old merchant families have run for generations. If you need a break in between, you can enjoy delicious food and drinks in the numerous restaurants and cafes. But there is even more happening on the Prinzipalmarkt: it is also the place where state guests are received and festivities are celebrated.

Most famous are the traditional gabled houses on both sides of the street with their archways, some of which were built as early as the Middle Ages (picture below). What is special about them is that no two gables are alike, giving Prinzipalmarkt an interesting building backdrop. German TV viewers may be familiar with them from the "Wilsberg" and "Münster-Tatort" crime movies.

The development of the market began in the 12th century and at that time the houses were already built as close together as you see them today. Around 1300 the well-known archways of the gabled houses were built. Merchants have lived on the Prinzipalmarkt continuously since 1400. By the way, the name did not appear until the beginning of the 17th century.

During the Second World War most of the buildings were completely destroyed, only in a few of them the basement and first floor were preserved. All of them were rebuilt between 1947 and 1958. Although they were heavily modified compared to their pre-war state, they were rebuilt on their respective old sites and by using the original building materials and design elements.

Furthermore, the Prinzipalmarkt is known far beyond Münster: In 2006, it reached fourth place in the ZDF program "Unsere Besten - Die Lieblingsorte der Deutschen" (Our Best - The Germans' Favorite Places).

Further information:

Source: Presseamt Münster / Tilman Roßmöller (link image source) (only available in German)
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