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Haus Lütkenbeck

(Sources of information: Wikipedia, Haus Lütkenbeck website, LWL geodata culture) (Sources in German)

Haus Lütkenbeck is a former water castle near the Münster harbor on the Lütkenbecker Weg.

It was first mentioned in writing in the middle of the 14th century, when it was granted to a noble family by the Bishop of Münster. This family lived there for over 300 years. In 1695, the Droste zu Vischering family acquired the estate and had it expanded into a castle by 1720. However, the manor house burned down shortly after completion and was not rebuilt. The remaining building material was later used in the construction of the Erbdrostenhof. The chapel of the manor is still used for church services and concerts.

In the early 19th century, Haus Lütkenbeck was a count's residence for several years and was used for prominent receptions. During the Second World War, the estate was severely damaged by bombing, but the buildings were rebuilt by 1972. In the process, several private apartments were established in the southwestern outer castle. In the east of the entire complex, the trench system with two islands can still be recognized from the medieval water castle. Of the actual castle and watchtowers, a few trenches and walls remain in the terrain.

You can freely visit the exterior of the house. However, out of consideration for the residents, it is requested that visitors stay only in the front entrance area of the grounds and respect the restricted signs.

Further information about Haus Lütkenbeck can be found on the house's website and on the LWL's geodata page (LWL = Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe) (websites only available in German).

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