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Kopie von MuensterLoddenheideFriedensparkLake.jpg
Creator: STBR / Source: Wikimedia Commons / License: CC BY-SA 3.0
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Friedenspark Loddenheide

(Sources of information: Wikipedia, City of Münster website [Portrait of Gremmendorf, Model City of Münster Business Park Münster-Loddenheide]) (Sources in German)

The Friedenspark (Peace Park) is part of the Loddenheide business park in the Gremmendorf district of Münster. It consists of publicly accessible green spaces spread across the entire area of the business park.

The green spaces of the Friedenspark are divided into three zones from north to south. In the north, there are groups of trees with silver lime and horse chestnut, the latter planted by the Dalai Lama, among others. The middle area is designated as a recreational area with a large playground, benches and a large lake (picture above). There are also some sculptures there. In the south there are groups of trees, as in the north, and there are also natural hollows for wet meadows as well as shallow water and shore plants. In all areas, the original trees and plants have also been preserved. There are walking paths through all areas of the park, where you can discover the Friedenspark.

At the edge of the park is the Friedenskapelle, which was the garrison chapel during the stationing of British troops in Münster (picture below). Since 2003, it has been rededicated and a wide variety of events and concerts have been held there since then.

Today's Loddenheide business park was a military barracks site from the 1930s until the 1990s, first for German troops. After the Second World War, the area was taken over by the British military and was a restricted military area for the following decades. In the 1980s, planning began for the commercial use of Loddenheide after the withdrawal of the British forces. When their last units left in 1993, the old barracks buildings, with the exception of the chapel, were demolished and a new infrastructure was built. Starting in 1998, the land was marketed for retail and logistics, and only two years later the first specialty markets and companies settled there. From the beginning, however, the city also planned to build today's Friedenspark on the business park.

All information about the Friedenspark and the Loddenheide industrial estate can be found in the Wikipedia article about the area (article only available in German).

Creator: STBR / Source: Wikimedia Commons / License: CC BY-SA 3.0
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