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Allwetterzoo Münster

(Sources of information: Wikipedia, Allwetterzoo website [About the zoo]) (Sources in German)

The Allwetterzoo is located near the Lake Aasee and is the best known zoo in Münster. Its name comes from the covered walkways or "Allwettergängen" that connect all the large animal houses. Nearly 3,500 animals in 345 species from all continents live there, from anteaters and elephants to giraffes, gorillas, tigers and pygmy mice.

Here you can not only observe the animals, but also experience them up close, for example when feeding them, visiting the facilities or in the petting zoo. You can also book guided tours for private groups, school classes and kindergarten groups as well as children's birthday parties with a program. If you like photography, why not take part in the photo seminars and workshops. Of course, you can take snapshots of the animals in the process.

The zoo dates back to an initiative of Hermann Landois, a zoology professor. He wanted people to be able to learn about and observe animals and their ways of life no longer only in books, but actually. His idea was approved and so the first animal house for monkeys was completed in 1876, followed by other animal houses in the following decades until the First World War. After the interruption by the war, the zoo was further expanded and cattle, camels, sea lions, chimpanzees and many other species were added to the animal population.

During the Second World War, many buildings were destroyed and many animals lost their lives. In August 1946 the zoo could be reopened and with time animals like elephants (picture below), zebras or giant kangaroos came back. These attracted more and more visitors, so that in 1964 more than 500,000 people went to the zoo for the first time.

All further information about the all-weather zoo, its animals, feedings and guided tours can be found on the zoo's website (website only available in German).


Further information:

Source: Presseamt Münster / MünsterView (link image source) (only available in German)
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